2020-03-29 –, Room 2
Have you ever visited a web site where you got the option to log in with Google? Did notice that the login forms also asked for your consent to export your personal data? This is OpenID Connect (OIDC) in action. This talk will show how OIDC can be put to practice in Linchpin.
Have you ever visited a web site where you have the option to log in with Google or other identity services? Did notice that the login forms also asked for your consent to export your personal data? This is OpenID Connect (OIDC) in action.
This presentation will show how the Kantega SSO Enterprise app allow you to benefit OIDC and put it to practice in Linchpin. We will show you the magnitude of identity providers supporting OIDC, how easy it is to set up, and how it creates a consent focused platform for exchange of personal data.
Jon Espen is an experienced computer scientist with a solid track record in entrepreneurship, business development, and realization of new technology and data-driven solutions. Since 2016, Jon Espen has been the general manager of Kantega SSO, -a company known for its security and identity management solutions for Atlassian.
Take a look at his profile on LinkedIn